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Investing Today,

Improving Tomorrow.

What is a Community Foundation?

Picture yourself with a bag of corn. One option you have is to simply cook the kernels and immediately satisfy your hunger.

An alternative option would be to split the corn in half, eat one half and plant the other in the ground.

Next year, you’ll have plenty of corn to not only feed yourself but enough to hand out to the community so everyone gets an opportunity to eat.

In essence, this is what we do.

We plant the seeds to help your funds grow and give back to the community.

Learn about the many options you have to impact the community. The best part? We make it easy.

Want to apply for a grant? We have all the information you'll need and more to get the process started.

Learn a little bit more about Community Foundations and our how OUR community foundation impacts Laurens County.


Laurens County Community Foundation
211 N. Broad Street Street | Clinton
P.O. Box 1836
Laurens, SC 29360

Office Hours:
9am to 3pm Tuesday - Thursday

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